Looking for a cat kennel over the holiday season?

Did you know that Australia has one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world? According to the RSPCA, there are approximately 3.3 million pet cats in the country and the rate of cat ownership is increasing.
There’s little doubt why cats are becoming popular. As Sydney’s housing prices increase, more families are moving into smaller accommodation such as apartments, and have found that cats are a great choice for those living in smaller spaces. Cats are also a great choice for those commuting to work each day, as cats are notoriously “low maintenance”.
There is a down-side however. It’s increasingly difficult to find a cat resort or cat kennel that isn’t constantly booked out. That’s increasingly more likely over the holiday season. It’s become so difficult, those cat hotels in Sydney can be booked out six months or more in advance, for the holiday season. This is especially true id you’re looking for a cat kennel over Christmas to new year period, and also over the Easter break.
At the Lion’s Den, we’ve identified this issue and have aimed to address it, with our newly expanded inner west cattery and eastern suburbs cat hotel to address this growing need for cat care. Our brand new cattery in Newton, near St. Peters is a work of art. With increased accommodation for up to 100 cats, as well as luxury suites that have the ability to Skype your cat, it truly is an exceptional cat facility that needs to be seen to be experienced! We offer the finest care for your fur baby by our dedicated nurses and veterinarians by our co-located Vet clinic- Southern Cross Vet. This means we’ll never skimp on the cost of a veterinarian if there’s any ailment that is affecting your cat.
So if you’re looking for pet boarding Sydney, book today to experience the difference in Sydney’s premier cat hotel.